Earlier,we went for my 23rd+ week check up.Eh eh,ok pulak Hb nye,up from 11 to 13+.True people said,when the mother is happy,the baby pon happy jugak.This time we asked about the gender again(so that boleh shopping baju baby dgn tenang next week),hubby pon suke sgt la,as the answer is still the same;Baby M.Torres ;p My husband wants to call his baby Torres!Ya ampun.But you know,baby nie kan everytime bapak die tgk football match pon he will kick hard hihi,so you love football too baby?Nanti we'll get your Liverpool kits next week k!
Mein Mutterpass-German version of card merah card biru jgn marah i love you;p

Then saya ikut hubby pegi sekolah.Told ya,the weather was so cantek kan?Feels like summer dah :)Ini perut aa,sekejap sorok,sekejap ade!semlm die decide untuk ade,menyebabkan orang memberi laluan kepada saya ;p

Oooo ade org dari seronok2 mahu dapat partner main game,berubah menjadi extremely unhappy,L didnot make it to finale.So can we drop Torres and just stay with baby M bang?;p
Orait,enjoy your weekend all!