Why?Before going to bed last night,my darling hubby suddenly asked...
Him:Honey,let's do some shopping tomorrow,nak?
and i was like...
Me:ek?Do you mean grocery shopping?
Him:Tak lah.Jom beli baju baru untuk honey.
Me: ???
Ingatkan demam tiba-tiba hubby nie,but then i figure out that he just read the weekly email update from babycenter.com!!kihkih
kagummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;-)
Never say no to a pedicure.
bagus harith ni..bila ntah fahmi nk bc psl prgnancy ni..
oh...sungguh bahagia :P
*kak gie*
diana: kagum ek huhu
sarah: hooray!
azie: zie,harith lagi rajin bace dari oghe benanye hahah die tinggal tade perut jer ;p
k.gie: org belanje mmg bahagia kan?;p
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