I got a few new toys and books over the past weeks from mama,dada and aunties.Love them all,thank you.See the sorting board?That's my fav now.I learned how to sort the shapes the first time i tried but i still can't figure out how to line the shapes in same color arrangement.So which one is blue again mama?
And i've also got a new friend.Cute little friend.So please meet Bonnie,my very first pet.Bonnie has been with us for a few days and every one loves her!
Bonnie is still a baby.Mama said i need to treat her nicely,hold her gently.If not,mama won't let me play with her.Oklah,i'll try but for now it seems fun to roll trucks on her belly.One thing i still don't get about Bonnie,she loves my books.She eats them.So the other day,i helped dada to moves all my books to the higher shelves.Hey Bonnie,books are for you to read okay.
Ok lah bye everyone,till next time.Mama is up now,i need to go and hugs and kiss her.
So sweet...sgt cool jew tgok muhriz belai Bonnie..
hehe aunty sue nanti get one for aleef and aqeef okay?;p
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