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harith ami & muhriz

Are you addicted to facebook?Facebook can be time wasting,but it somehow keeps me connected with others.You can see me on facebook a lot as I check it like 60 times a day haha but no,i dont think i'm that addicted.apart from saying hi and adoring others photos,there are some good groups for you to join and that depends on what kind of things you like and what you're looking for to share with others.As a mama,besides the breastfeeding(Kumpulan Ibu Menyusukan),cloth diapering(Malaysian Cloth Diapering Parents)and parenting(Malaysian Parenting Page) groups,another one that i'm currently hook on is the homemade recipe for babies(Resepi Bayi Homemade) and all thanks to my friend,azie,who introduced me to this forum.So go join the group!hehe

There's no rule saying that your baby's first food need to be rice cereal/porridge.Try to consider others too like banana or avocado.These fruits are not only nutritious and easily digested,they are easily prepared too as there is no need for cooking!Muhriz's first food was banana but it certainly not his fav.i can't remember when was the last time he had banana.

Anyway,I've been meaning to post this earlier (as mentioned in this entry)but lets just say i've been busy chasing after my little crawler ;p. It's no rocket science but i hope some will find this useful especially for a first time mama like me hehhh.

Avocado puree
1. Peel and scoop a ripe avocado

2.Place on a sieve and mash.Or you can just mash in a bowl or even blend it.

3.Add breastmilk or water to thin the texture.First food should be thinned to a texture not much thicker than milk

These photos were taken about 3 mths ago when feeding session was sweet and easy.Those days are gone hehe.Now it takes hours to get him to finish a bowl of porridge.Most of the time,muhriz will either screw up his mouth or turn his head away.that deserves another entry ;p


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