Muhriz is becoming more selective these days.When there's a lot of people around him,die nak mama or ayah je ish ish.That's not surprising i guess,since i'm with him 24-7,babies whose mommies are SAHM mmg camtu kot ye?He's turning 16 weeks this Friday cepatnyeee,tapi still nak tido berdukung hikhik
This friday,Muhriz will turn 13 weeks!How time flies.Owh baby,you grow up so fast!
It seems like yesterday i was battling with the morning sickness and back pain.
Anyway,my darling Muhriz,this is your mok mok mama few minutes before being pushed into the OR;before we first met :) I had never being admitted into the hospital before,so nak pakai ward gown pon tak pandai ;p
But he hates to get dress!Dressing and nappy changing sessions have become one wresting match ok.Gosh this boy kalau boleh nak togel2 je tau.
Jgn besar cepat sgt tau,nanti mama rindu nak gomol2 hihi
It seems like yesterday i was battling with the morning sickness and back pain.
I digged out some old photos and found this
I haven't shared the delivery story here,hmm maybe some other time.Mine was an elective/planned c-section;so basically i was advised to deliver the baby through operation.I could try for normal delivery but there's high chances that i will end up with c-sect.Though i did not endure the contraction pain and what not,the recovery process was so painful!Imagine your stomach being cut all the way from left to right?huhuhu .
Anyway,my darling Muhriz,this is your mok mok mama few minutes before being pushed into the OR;before we first met :) I had never being admitted into the hospital before,so nak pakai ward gown pon tak pandai ;p
But he hates to get dress!Dressing and nappy changing sessions have become one wresting match ok.Gosh this boy kalau boleh nak togel2 je tau.
Jgn besar cepat sgt tau,nanti mama rindu nak gomol2 hihi