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harith ami & muhriz

Muhriz still doesnot drink from a bottle,hanya nenen mama dan cup(for water).So mama mmg lah bottle susu die tak boleh tinggal nih.I've been nursing him everywhere,whenever he wants to nurse,he gets to nurse.We've nursed between the store isles,in the restaurants,in the park,in the ferry to Langkawi,in the planes,hehh basically merata rata lah.I've started to nurse Muhriz in public from the time we've started going out(he was 2mths+).Received a few stares from makcik2 but hubby did his job to cover me dan jeling makcik tue semula kah kah.

So,been practising this myself,of course i akan support nursing in public for as long as you can keep everything perfectly covered.Mesti cover.If you're not confident,then it's ok,sekarang byk baby's room dah or kalau terpaksa,i'll look out for a changing room.Pernah nampak "free show" di R&R,this mother tak ade attempt pon nak cover,just selak there and then nampak habis adeii,even saya sendiri pon malu tertengok.Ada juga yg tanya,pernah terfikir ke ape other guys(especially unmarried ones) pikir bila nampak kite susukan anak?So i asked hubby,mesti lah die ckp it's not a problem.He's with me when it comes to breastfeeding hehe.Drinking from mommy's is one of the most natural things a baby does,so i tanye my brother(a doctor) pulak.pon takde problem lah sebab die mmg support breastfeeding.Me?I personally think as long as you cover perfectly,nursing your child in public is a legal business and what other think should be the least of your worries

Sekarang Muhriz dah tak selesa lying under the nursing hider while doing his business,suka selak2.So saya prefer to rush to the baby's room atau tunggu masuk kereta.Tapi tgk keadaan,kalau terpaksa jugak still lah nenen dimana2 so wearing an easy-to nurse blouse adalah sgt helpful.In the mean time offer lah him something else,so snack mmg wajib ada dlm baby bag die.Kang tak pasal ade free show.Tapii kids nie busy explorers i tell you,kalau masuk nursing room,die busy nak explore situ pulak,bukan nak nenen pon -_- So mommies,don't let your lactating breasts keep you at home,have fun outside and breastfeed!hiks

Ni masa he was 10mths kot.sorry background sgt menarik wakakka.tgh pilih sayur budak kecik nie melalalala la pulak


bibi yusof said...

amiey.. I sokong NIP but mesti cover..
tapi semalam kat hospital, jumpa paed... adelaha seoarang hamba Allah ni.. tk cover langsung.. depan belakang semua tk cover.. dah la husband sy terpaksa lalu depan die.. at least pakai la baju yg loose sket,boleh cover2... sakit mata nengok ok!

Ami said...

tuh laa bib,hopefully sepanjang panjang kite dok NIP nie takde aa terbukak mana yg tak patut.Bile sendiri dah pernah nampak free show ayarkkk mmg kene selalu beringat la

Arya Stark said...

actually selama dina bf my son mmg x pernah guna nursing cover sbb baby akan refuse to bf when i use it. so i always wear cardi / loose fitting top / use my shawl... otherwise mmg akan cari baby room / dlm keta. x susah sbnrnya NIP ni.. once dah pro, senang, we can do it discreetly, cepat n pantas.. hehe

Unknown said...

saya cover ngan tudung...tak reti nk pakai NC..

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