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harith ami & muhriz


ok sambung sebab terajin plus si muhriz masih di lalaland(dah 9am!).So masa buat detail ultrasound,the specialist found out that my amniotic fluid(AF) was more than the normal range,my biggest pool around 9cm kot.normal range is between 6-8cm.Since saya nie tak diabetic,they investigated further itu yg check sampai ke umbirical cord etc.So reason air byk still unconfirmed,kene tunggu adik baby keluar but hopefully it has got nothing to do with his digestion insyaAllah.
Sebab placenta mmg covers cervix,too much AF is not desirable as it can put excessive pressure on the placenta,boleh buat heavy bleeding and early delivery.Plus byk sgt air boleh kacau baby punya development.So since 9cm is considered early stage of polyhydramios,my gynae ckp kene prepare lah,kalau reading naik sampai around 12cm,die akan buat AF reduction,i.e take out some fluid from my tummy using needle!cuakk mak.tapi i've done this before untuk buat amniocentesis utk buat chromosome test,which turned out clear dari any chromosomal abnormalities Alhamdulillah syukur.Tapi yg tue amik just 20ml,ini the dr said she's going to take out around 2L.sebotol lebih air mineral,mana mama tak takot.
After 2 weeks we came back.Betul lah,reading dah naik to 11.8cm,so I was admitted for the procedure.Side effect nya,reducing the fluid boleh sebabkan contraction,imagine our uterus is like a balloon,bila keluarkan angin die,sure akan ada some activity pada balloon tue.tapi the dr akan inject a few drugs to ease it.I was 31weeks masa tue,of course la kalau boleh tamau terberanak awal kan.Risau jugak kalau the dr drained too much but she said normally akan ada around 6L of amniotic fluid,but i have around 8L!No wonder perut macam watermellon,nak jalan mmg susah,paling teruk heartburn,kalau tido mmg asik terjaga nak menangis sebab sakit.Once die injected the needle on my big belly(at the same time drip 2 drugs  to increase my/baby's heartbeat,lg satu lupa utk apa),dr akan monitor the progress through ultrasound.It took around 40mins,to take out 2L of AF and sepanjang 40mins tu boleh nampak adik baby dok pegang2 jarum huuu scary I was so afraid he would injured his finger!Everytime baby main with the needle akan rasa senak perut,masa nie nak termuntah pon ada(dr ckp sebab the medication akan naikkan my blood pressure),so tak ada lah nak bergambar apa.Once it was done,nurse tunjuk my AF 3 bottle huhu,still rasa nak muntah.They pushed me to the labor room utk buat CTG dan diorang akan monitor for contraction or kalau2 heart rate baby turun.Buat CTG straight for 4 hours okay,sakit bontot sampai.Dah la dari pagi kene puasa.Muhriz and hubby were next to me all the time,kat labor room muhriz punya la tak dok diam busy main dgn benda2 org nak beranak,the big ball,ape ntah lagi,risau je mak.Alhamdulillah no contraction detected,so I was released,boleh balik rumah tapi kene bedrest lah kejap.
Since week 28 lagi mmg pegi weekly checkup,so every week mmg dr akan monitor the AF level and the position of the last week(week 35),again AF reading naik to 12cm,so kene buat another drainage.Yg lainnya this time 1)I moved a bit during the drainage sebab nak muntah,and it caused some bleeding,instead of keluar air,dari wire tue nampak keluar blood sebab needle terkena dlm 1st bottle tu air jadi color merah(contained blood),nasib baik tak byk sgt and it didnot hurt adik 2)I had some contraction afterward,ini mmg mencuakkan.So what they did was to keep on increasing the drug intake to the point yg buatkan tangan saya shook like crazy,but it worked Alhamdulillah.After 8 hours on drip,the contraction stopped and I was allowed to go home.Hubby dgn muhriz balik dulu sebab little one was restless,around 10pm the dr released me so they came back utk amik mama.
Next week ada appointment,dah boleh decide on the delivery date(c-sect) insyaAllah,doa mama semoga adik baby sihat2 je,mama dgn babah tak kisah bersusah susah dan bersakit sakit for you :) since dah 3 kali kene warded in less than 3 months nie,penah jugak ckp kat hubby no.3 kene tunggu lagi 4 tahun la,kene tunggu mama hilang takot dulu hehe.


Anonymous said...

Ami, u're so brave!

Semoga semuanya selamat & dipermudahakan olh-Nya!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your adventures ami :) semoga dlm lindungan Allah.

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