Masih tidak berjaya.Blame myself for not trying hard enough.But i just donot have the courage to see him pushing nenen away,which sudah jadi his bestfriends for more than 2 years now.Furthermore, there's really no concern if we continue,tak terpakssa lagi lah malas kan.Maybeit's not the time yet.I know that some babies just wean off themselves,tapi Muhriz still doesnot show any sign to do so.He'll ask for nenen
like lapan belas kali sehari kot;after bath,after eating,toys jatuh pastu sedih,fav cartoon finish pastu sedih,can't pull the drawer himself,hahhh like every hour mesti nak.It's more to his source of comfort now,but that's okay.I have tried putting off the feed by offering him something else to eat/drink or do tapi mana nak jalan.Offer bacekan book,end up bace buku sambil nenen =p
Sooner or later,it will happen.We both know it tapi dua2 degil!Last week somebody in the bfeeding group post an article(lupa tajuk) on condemning breastfeeding,ckp nursing mommies nie gile s*x(excuse the sentence).Ya Allah how could she!if you don't breastfeed your child,donot come out with something yg might hurt others.I think the reason she did that was to ease herself,so that she won't feel so bad.I'm not saying formula feed is bad,no,no jgn salah anggap.If that's your choice then go on,every parent follows her/his own parenting style.Tapi everyone must agrees yg breastfeeding is the best feed,itu mmg scientifically proven.If you fall halfway but you've tried,tak apa.But if you tak try pon tapi kutuk org bfeed anak,it's unacceptable.Haihh ape pon bertaubat lah,menyusukan anak ni disebut dlm Quran so lu pikir lah sendiri.Babaii
erk..ader jugak org camtu....teruknyer!!!aqeef pun belum wean-off dia dah campur FM...dia nenen bile nak tido n ngajuk....n plg kelakar bile mama dia bwk keta mase tu la nk nenen..susah skit bile berdua ngn dia...
eh, yelah aqeef pun sikit2 nangis tp yg xkuar air mata pun...xdpt wat pape jer terjerit2....bile main boling...susun2 terjatuh boleh dia menjerit...ngade kan?....kdg2 maleh layan...bile tgk org xlayan...dia pun dtgla kt kite...
a'ah ami..kite pun xmo paksa dia wean-off...nanti2 pandaila dia berenti...kan?
yun campur susu ape?ami dah try macam2 anmum,friso pastu dah try fresh milk far macam anmum die minum byk sikit tapi 4oz tuh mmg after 3 hrs pon tak abih2.tuh la org kate diorang akan benti sendiri tapi takde tande2 pon lagi nie hihihi
aqeef minum susu mamil....xpernah lak try bg dia anmum...mase mula2 bg tu tgk dia ok jer..tu yg xtry susu lain
blum lagik jugak wean off
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